Friday, September 28, 2007

Mychal Bell - Jena Teen

Some say that protest are relics of the 1950's an 1960's, and they do not work anymore. Thank God that there are some who rebuke that notion and found their way to Jena Louisiana to rally on behalf of the the Jena 6. For that reason I believe that Mychal Bell was released from jail and will not be on trial as an adult.

The blessing about this protest, the young people got involved. Mothers and Fathers were taking their sons and daughters to Jena to participate and that was a blessing. The churches also got involved. If the ministry is only inside the church walls and on Sunday, we loose. Thank God for waking his people up. Remember we can not tolerate injustice anywhere.

Now Mychal Bell will be tried in juvenile court - he was 16 at the time of the incident- where the offense should have been handled in the first place.

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