If Sally Cain is so interested in the children of DISD, where has she been all these years that we have been trying to insure that all children are educated? I am not sure that she has attend a board meeting or board briefing?
She is probably a nice lady but when the Dallas Citizens Council,Jack Lowe and Jerome Garza put their stamps of approval on her,that makes me think that she will be part of the "SLAM DUNK" at DISD. If she had been aware of what was going on at DISD she would have known that.
Jerome Garza IS NOT trustworthy. Garza has undermined the black trustees since he has been on the board. He did not only try to get someone to run against Ranger,he took a school out of her district without her knowledge (Molena) when Wilmer Hutchins became part of DISD and please do not forget that he was also instrumental in leading the board to gut the funding for Learning Center,pushed for more BiLingual (Spanish) programs that exceed the State mandate (more jobs),and he was the mastermind behind getting a school named for (hateful towards blacks) Adelpha Callejo. Garza should be asked if he believe that he represent all races of children or only Hispanics? We who follow the politics of DISD know the answer. That is why you now have black flight just as you had white flight. Look at the demographics in school districts like Lancaster, DeSoto, Cedar Hill and Duncanville most are majority blacks.
It is unfortunate that Garza and Flores believe that because the majority of students in DISD are Hispanic that the others do not matter. The politics of inclusion should be taught to these board members. All children are important and should be educated. I do believe that Adam Medrano gets it and I appreciate him being the board president because under Jack Lowe's leadership it was "My Way Or The Highway".
Hang in there Carla Ranger.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
DISD College Readiness Program
The staff did not answer most of the questions that the board ask. The purchasing dept. was the most shocking. They only put the bid out for 2 weeks, no pre-bid conference, no interviews of the companies that submitted bids,score cards from the panel that left additional questions, and on and on.
From the staffs comments, ASP did not really give a good accounting of their work. It was noted that the 82 Million in scholarships that they reported were awarded had grants in the calculations and they would have to recalculate. The staff also noted that they were not sure how many students really accepted the scholarships.
When the staff was asked if DISD counselors could do this work, they replied that DISD counselors do not have relationships with the colleges therefore it would be better to have contracts with an outside source for college readiness.
When Lew Blackburn ask the question about the shift from Title I to general funds, I thought the staff was going to fall out of their chairs. It was a lot of I don't know why, but I will find out from TEA. Larry Thorn is always answering the budget questions in a snappy way to the board, but he did not say a word.
I think for half the money they could hire a counselor for all 22 schools. Silly me, they have got to hire the people from Teach For America.
From the staffs comments, ASP did not really give a good accounting of their work. It was noted that the 82 Million in scholarships that they reported were awarded had grants in the calculations and they would have to recalculate. The staff also noted that they were not sure how many students really accepted the scholarships.
When the staff was asked if DISD counselors could do this work, they replied that DISD counselors do not have relationships with the colleges therefore it would be better to have contracts with an outside source for college readiness.
When Lew Blackburn ask the question about the shift from Title I to general funds, I thought the staff was going to fall out of their chairs. It was a lot of I don't know why, but I will find out from TEA. Larry Thorn is always answering the budget questions in a snappy way to the board, but he did not say a word.
I think for half the money they could hire a counselor for all 22 schools. Silly me, they have got to hire the people from Teach For America.
Carla Ranger,
Dr. Hinojosa,
Dr. Lew Blackburn
Monday, September 7, 2009
Response to Dallas.Org-Allen Gwinn
I know Bea Martinez and I am not a member of LULAC, but I believe that she is honest and a hard worker. I can not believe that you would stoop so low. Did you check to see if it was a conflict for Rene to work for DISD and for his wife to run for school board? I think that is where you should start. If it is a conflict, tell all of us so that we will know.
Please tell us what you know about Bea Martinez and why she (not her husband) should not be running for this office. Since you are in District 3 have you had a conversation with her before today regarding DISD? Does she have knowledge of the issues concerning DISD? Is she compassionate about children? Has she served on any boards that would give her insight to a billion dollar budget and how to manage it? Can she represent the total community? Does she understand working with employees that report directly to the board?
If you think that Leigh Ann Ellis is not part of the "Slam Dunk" you are dreaming. She has voted along with Flores, Garza, Lowe and Bingham on most of the bad decisions that have been made on this board. She voted for the budgets, she voted for the RIF, she voted against the Learning Centers, she is one of the five (5) that they count on to keep Hinojosa, she voted for the DUMB new ethics policy that allows board members to do business with DISD, she voted to ILLEGALLY EXTEND HER TERM IN OFFICE, etc. Please tell me when Leigh Ann Ellis has taken a strong position on any issue opposing the administration.
Everyone on the board needs to go except Adam and Carla. Go after the candidate’s qualifications not her family.
I know Bea Martinez and I am not a member of LULAC, but I believe that she is honest and a hard worker. I can not believe that you would stoop so low. Did you check to see if it was a conflict for Rene to work for DISD and for his wife to run for school board? I think that is where you should start. If it is a conflict, tell all of us so that we will know.
Please tell us what you know about Bea Martinez and why she (not her husband) should not be running for this office. Since you are in District 3 have you had a conversation with her before today regarding DISD? Does she have knowledge of the issues concerning DISD? Is she compassionate about children? Has she served on any boards that would give her insight to a billion dollar budget and how to manage it? Can she represent the total community? Does she understand working with employees that report directly to the board?
If you think that Leigh Ann Ellis is not part of the "Slam Dunk" you are dreaming. She has voted along with Flores, Garza, Lowe and Bingham on most of the bad decisions that have been made on this board. She voted for the budgets, she voted for the RIF, she voted against the Learning Centers, she is one of the five (5) that they count on to keep Hinojosa, she voted for the DUMB new ethics policy that allows board members to do business with DISD, she voted to ILLEGALLY EXTEND HER TERM IN OFFICE, etc. Please tell me when Leigh Ann Ellis has taken a strong position on any issue opposing the administration.
Everyone on the board needs to go except Adam and Carla. Go after the candidate’s qualifications not her family.
Allen Gwinn,
Bea Martinez,
District 3,
Leigh Ann Ellis
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Poll Shows Consumer Rejection of Cap-and-Tax Plans
July 20, 2009
Update My Profile
New Poll "Foreshadows Massive Consumer Rejection of Cap-and-Tax Plans," Civil Rights Leader Says:
Rapidly growing consumer grassroots movement also "will punish those who push these anti-consumer schemes," Innis warns
North Las Vegas, NV -- A new national poll confirms that a rapidly growing consumer tide is building against cap-and-tax plans that will raise electricity bills, according to civil rights champion Roy Innis, who says the poll "foreshadows a huge defeat for cap-and-tax activists and their supporters in the U.S. Senate."
The national poll, conducted by Lauer Johnson Research (LJR) on behalf of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, found nearly six in 10 Americans oppose paying any more than they currently pay in their electricity bills to combat climate change. It also found that an overwhelming 78 percent of all respondents say that a $50 increase monthly in utility bills "would be a hardship."
"Poll after poll now shows the same thing that we hear in our national grassroots campaign against cap-and-tax," Innis said. "Consumers are rising up in strong opposition to cap-and-tax schemes that will raise their rates. They can't afford even small increases in their energy bills. And they don't believe politicians' promises that cap-and-tax is a free lunch."
Innis added "It's also becoming crystal clear that consumers and voters are going to be angry enough punish those who get behind these anti-consumer tax plans. In fact, I predict that consumer anger isn't going to be focused only on the sound-bite politicians. I think consumer anger is going to expand to include those private sector interests that sought to line their own pockets through the cap-and-tax feeding frenzy in Washington, D.C."
Innis urged leaders in the U.S. Senate and in the business community to "get back to the drawing board and come up with legislation that focuses on rapidly advancing emissions technologies, not legislation that seeks to punish consumers for using American energy."
The national poll, conducted by Lauer Johnson Research (LJR) on behalf of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, had a sample size of 807 and a +/- 3.5% sampling error rate. It found:
58 percent of Americans opposed to pay any more than they currently pay in their electricity bills to combat climate change, a 23% increase in those unwilling to pay more since 2007.
One-half (50%) of the country opposes enacting a carbon tax to fund energy research, which represents a 49-point shift (22% drop in agree; 27% increase in disagree) away from supporting a carbon tax for energy research in 2007.
Interest in protecting the environment and fighting climate change has dropped from a low priority (8%) in 2007 to receiving virtually no attention (3%) in 2009.
Fifty-five percent of all respondents, and 69% of working/lower class families, say a $20 increase in their monthly electric bill would cause financial difficulty for their household.
68% disagree with the idea that Congress should enact a carbon tax to encourage consumers to cut back on their electricity usage.
Not one respondent indicated a willingness to pay over 20% more on their monthly electricity bill to combat climate change, according to the survey. "Working/lower class and age 65+ respondents are the least willing to pay more, but substantial percentages of all classes and age cohorts indicate they do not want to see their electric bills increase by even one dollar for the purposes of combating climate change," the survey summary memo noted.
Both this survey and a recent Gallup Poll have found that for the first time in Gallup’s 25 year history of asking Americans about the trade-off between environmental protection and economic growth, a majority of Americans say economic growth should be given the priority, even if the environment suffers to some extent.
# # #
Contact: Niger Innis, National Spokesman, (702) 463-0768
Update My Profile
New Poll "Foreshadows Massive Consumer Rejection of Cap-and-Tax Plans," Civil Rights Leader Says:
Rapidly growing consumer grassroots movement also "will punish those who push these anti-consumer schemes," Innis warns
North Las Vegas, NV -- A new national poll confirms that a rapidly growing consumer tide is building against cap-and-tax plans that will raise electricity bills, according to civil rights champion Roy Innis, who says the poll "foreshadows a huge defeat for cap-and-tax activists and their supporters in the U.S. Senate."
The national poll, conducted by Lauer Johnson Research (LJR) on behalf of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, found nearly six in 10 Americans oppose paying any more than they currently pay in their electricity bills to combat climate change. It also found that an overwhelming 78 percent of all respondents say that a $50 increase monthly in utility bills "would be a hardship."
"Poll after poll now shows the same thing that we hear in our national grassroots campaign against cap-and-tax," Innis said. "Consumers are rising up in strong opposition to cap-and-tax schemes that will raise their rates. They can't afford even small increases in their energy bills. And they don't believe politicians' promises that cap-and-tax is a free lunch."
Innis added "It's also becoming crystal clear that consumers and voters are going to be angry enough punish those who get behind these anti-consumer tax plans. In fact, I predict that consumer anger isn't going to be focused only on the sound-bite politicians. I think consumer anger is going to expand to include those private sector interests that sought to line their own pockets through the cap-and-tax feeding frenzy in Washington, D.C."
Innis urged leaders in the U.S. Senate and in the business community to "get back to the drawing board and come up with legislation that focuses on rapidly advancing emissions technologies, not legislation that seeks to punish consumers for using American energy."
The national poll, conducted by Lauer Johnson Research (LJR) on behalf of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, had a sample size of 807 and a +/- 3.5% sampling error rate. It found:
58 percent of Americans opposed to pay any more than they currently pay in their electricity bills to combat climate change, a 23% increase in those unwilling to pay more since 2007.
One-half (50%) of the country opposes enacting a carbon tax to fund energy research, which represents a 49-point shift (22% drop in agree; 27% increase in disagree) away from supporting a carbon tax for energy research in 2007.
Interest in protecting the environment and fighting climate change has dropped from a low priority (8%) in 2007 to receiving virtually no attention (3%) in 2009.
Fifty-five percent of all respondents, and 69% of working/lower class families, say a $20 increase in their monthly electric bill would cause financial difficulty for their household.
68% disagree with the idea that Congress should enact a carbon tax to encourage consumers to cut back on their electricity usage.
Not one respondent indicated a willingness to pay over 20% more on their monthly electricity bill to combat climate change, according to the survey. "Working/lower class and age 65+ respondents are the least willing to pay more, but substantial percentages of all classes and age cohorts indicate they do not want to see their electric bills increase by even one dollar for the purposes of combating climate change," the survey summary memo noted.
Both this survey and a recent Gallup Poll have found that for the first time in Gallup’s 25 year history of asking Americans about the trade-off between environmental protection and economic growth, a majority of Americans say economic growth should be given the priority, even if the environment suffers to some extent.
# # #
Contact: Niger Innis, National Spokesman, (702) 463-0768
Dear Paul:
I read in the DMN last week that one of the programs to be cut from the Park Department budget was the Send a Kid to Camp program. The last time Dallas was dealing with a severe economic turn down, we had to discontinue the summer camp programs the Park Department had provided children all over the city for decades. In order to, at the minimum, serve the most underprivileged and at risk of our youth during the summer months, Park Board President Ida Papert asked me to develop a plan to keep some camps open in target areas. The challenge was to provide a positive summer experience to our higher risk youth at little or no cost to the Park Department. Sensing that youth serving agencies were also feeling the financial pinch, we developed a plan to form partnerships with such agencies whereby the City allowed them to utilize our parks and other facilities at no cost if they would provide the staffing and programming. I met with numerous youth serving agencies, developed a short and simple agreement between them and the City of Dallas, and a few signed on to partner up with us for the good of the kids. We jointly reached out to the public to provide funding to fill the financial gap for such items as refreshments, equipment, supplies and field trips. We were successful, and several Send a Kid to Camp camps were operated that first summer at little or no cost to the Park Department or City of Dallas. A contribution form for Send a Kid to Camp was included in water and electric bills to the citizens, grocery store check out counters took donations, vendors to the city were asked to contribute, and contributions were solicited by mail and public service announcements. All in all, the program was a win-win for the city, the youth serving agencies and primarily for the kids served. Since the Send a Kid to Camp program has operated successfully and served perhaps 50,000 or more of our children over the past 20 plus years, it would be a shame to see it discontinued just because times are tough. Tough times are why we started the program in the first place!
I firmly believe that a child will make a positive choice if a positive choice is available. Without the positive choice of attending a summer camp, many of our high risk youth face a summer of boredom with too much non productive time on their hands to get into mischief. Is this really a cost effective option for Dallas, or are we all better served by providing our youth with a physically and mentally challenging camping experience? I know from painful experience from my time on the Park Board in lean financial times that you are being besieged with valid pleas to spare programs across the board. Nevertheless, I encourage you and the Park Board to preserve the Send a Kid to Program for the benefit of our city and most of all, our youth. Thanks.
James P. Graham
PresidentPalo Petroleum, Inc.5944 Luther LaneSuite 900Dallas, Texas 75225(214) 691-3676
I read in the DMN last week that one of the programs to be cut from the Park Department budget was the Send a Kid to Camp program. The last time Dallas was dealing with a severe economic turn down, we had to discontinue the summer camp programs the Park Department had provided children all over the city for decades. In order to, at the minimum, serve the most underprivileged and at risk of our youth during the summer months, Park Board President Ida Papert asked me to develop a plan to keep some camps open in target areas. The challenge was to provide a positive summer experience to our higher risk youth at little or no cost to the Park Department. Sensing that youth serving agencies were also feeling the financial pinch, we developed a plan to form partnerships with such agencies whereby the City allowed them to utilize our parks and other facilities at no cost if they would provide the staffing and programming. I met with numerous youth serving agencies, developed a short and simple agreement between them and the City of Dallas, and a few signed on to partner up with us for the good of the kids. We jointly reached out to the public to provide funding to fill the financial gap for such items as refreshments, equipment, supplies and field trips. We were successful, and several Send a Kid to Camp camps were operated that first summer at little or no cost to the Park Department or City of Dallas. A contribution form for Send a Kid to Camp was included in water and electric bills to the citizens, grocery store check out counters took donations, vendors to the city were asked to contribute, and contributions were solicited by mail and public service announcements. All in all, the program was a win-win for the city, the youth serving agencies and primarily for the kids served. Since the Send a Kid to Camp program has operated successfully and served perhaps 50,000 or more of our children over the past 20 plus years, it would be a shame to see it discontinued just because times are tough. Tough times are why we started the program in the first place!
I firmly believe that a child will make a positive choice if a positive choice is available. Without the positive choice of attending a summer camp, many of our high risk youth face a summer of boredom with too much non productive time on their hands to get into mischief. Is this really a cost effective option for Dallas, or are we all better served by providing our youth with a physically and mentally challenging camping experience? I know from painful experience from my time on the Park Board in lean financial times that you are being besieged with valid pleas to spare programs across the board. Nevertheless, I encourage you and the Park Board to preserve the Send a Kid to Program for the benefit of our city and most of all, our youth. Thanks.
James P. Graham
PresidentPalo Petroleum, Inc.5944 Luther LaneSuite 900Dallas, Texas 75225(214) 691-3676
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Main Post Office on Interstate 30
Where are the elected officials? We need USPS or an elected official to call a community meeting to discuss what all of the losses for Dallas would be if the sorting of mail would be moved from the facility on Interstate 30. If the main functions are moved, do you believe that USPS would operate out of this facility? It would not be cost effective to do so.
It is my understanding that USPS is closing all of the Post Offices where they do not own the land and building. Will this be in your neighborhood?
I usually work late so I have to use the Main Post Office because the one in my neighborhood closes at 6:00 p.m. and you do not get a minute over that.
I understand effencies, but at what cost to large number of customers do you make such a move? I do not think that there are more customers in Coppell than in Dallas. I believe that the following aspects of our mail service will be affected;
a. Home and Business mail delivery in Dallas will be affected if this takes place.
b. There will be job loss of tenured employees that primarily live in Dallas.
c. Dallas will loose the postmark (8th largest city with no postmark). Coppell will be the postmark.
d. Dallas residents will loose the convenience of using a Post Office in the evenings for stamps, money orders, shipping boxes and mailing letters.
Help me ask for a community meeting so that USPS can explain this move to Coppell to the Dallas residents and elected officials. Call your Dallas City Councilperson, State Senator, State Representative, US Representative and US Senator.
It is my understanding that USPS is closing all of the Post Offices where they do not own the land and building. Will this be in your neighborhood?
I usually work late so I have to use the Main Post Office because the one in my neighborhood closes at 6:00 p.m. and you do not get a minute over that.
I understand effencies, but at what cost to large number of customers do you make such a move? I do not think that there are more customers in Coppell than in Dallas. I believe that the following aspects of our mail service will be affected;
a. Home and Business mail delivery in Dallas will be affected if this takes place.
b. There will be job loss of tenured employees that primarily live in Dallas.
c. Dallas will loose the postmark (8th largest city with no postmark). Coppell will be the postmark.
d. Dallas residents will loose the convenience of using a Post Office in the evenings for stamps, money orders, shipping boxes and mailing letters.
Help me ask for a community meeting so that USPS can explain this move to Coppell to the Dallas residents and elected officials. Call your Dallas City Councilperson, State Senator, State Representative, US Representative and US Senator.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saving Paul Quinn College

What is so sad to me is that some people do not understand that cities like Atlanta are successful because they embrace higher education. Atlanta has three (3) Historical Black Colleges (Clark Atlanta, Morehouse and Spellman). Dallas should be embracing all institutions of higher learning for the sake of making sure all of our children have educational options. People in this city always talk about an educated workforce, but we are still struggling with making sure that happens.
We spend millions of taxpayer dollars on colleges like the UT System and Texas A&M System each year to ensure that they are able to meet the needs of the students. I am not against us investing in our future with any of the institutions but I believe that Paul Quinn also have value and should be treated in the manner.
The facts are that many professional African Americans graduate from Historical Black Institutions of higher learning.
Saving Paul Quinn College is a win for all of Dallas.
Friday, July 3, 2009
DISD School Named for Adelpha Callejo
Lew Blackburn's vote for Adelpha Callejo was to get the votes against the naming of a school in Carla Ranger's district for John Hope Franklin. If you had attended the board meeting, you would have seen who was speaking for Lew Blackburn about the name of a school in the old Wilmer Hutchins School Distrit. It was Jerome Garza, Nancy Bingham, Edwin Flores and Jack Lowe, all of the slam dunk five except Ellis and she voted with them. It was obvious that a deal was cut before the meeting on how the voting would be.
Lew Blackburn was one of the trustees who was most vocal at the briefing about naming a school for Adelpha. God help us and pleace help the African American children that will enter that school. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!
It is time to consider breaking up this district into smaller and more manageable districts. Each board meeting is a disaster. We need change now!!!
Lew Blackburn was one of the trustees who was most vocal at the briefing about naming a school for Adelpha. God help us and pleace help the African American children that will enter that school. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!
It is time to consider breaking up this district into smaller and more manageable districts. Each board meeting is a disaster. We need change now!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Adelpha Callejo Nominated for New School Name

I attended the DISD Board Briefing yesterday where Nancy Bingham nominated Adelpha Callejo's name for a new school in DISD. The most telling exchange between board members was when Dr. Lew Blackburn ask Nancy Bingham if she agreed with the racist statements made by Adelpha, and she did not denounce the statements.
I have served on several boards and commissions with Adelpha and always found her to be one-race oriented. She constantly spoke openly in a negative way about black people and always talked about it being the Hispanics time.
She made national news with her raciest comments about then Senator Obama, now President Obama. Even her candidate, Senator Hillary Clinton, had to denounce her racist remarks.
While I believe Adelpha has met many challenges in her personal life and I applaud her for overcoming those challenges and becoming a successful lawyer. I do not believe that naming a school after her, where all races of children will attend, is in the best interest of the school district or the community. My personal belief is that one can be a strong advocate for his/her race without constantly putting down another race.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Learning Centers and Magnet Schools Teacher and Support Personnel CUTS by DISD Trustees
For those voting YES; Flores, Lowe, Ellis, Bingham and Garza: Lost a total of 7 teachers.
For those voting NO; Medrano, Price, Ranger and Blackburn: Lost a total of 228.
Price - 100
Blackburn - 74.5
Medrano - 37.5
Ranger - 16
Lowe - 8 (all at KB Polk)
Garza - 0.5
Ellis and Bingham - 0
Flores gets a gain at Dealey Montessori with an addition of 1.5
Something is not right with this picture. If looks like a duck, quacks like a duck
and walks like a duck. It is a duck.
For those voting NO; Medrano, Price, Ranger and Blackburn: Lost a total of 228.
Price - 100
Blackburn - 74.5
Medrano - 37.5
Ranger - 16
Lowe - 8 (all at KB Polk)
Garza - 0.5
Ellis and Bingham - 0
Flores gets a gain at Dealey Montessori with an addition of 1.5
Something is not right with this picture. If looks like a duck, quacks like a duck
and walks like a duck. It is a duck.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thought of the Week
A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Don't believe the lies about Souther Sector Votes on the Convention Center Hotel
You have some of the same " wanna be" people spreading lies about the outcome of the Vote Yes for the Convention Center Hotel in the Southern Sector. District 7, 5 and 8 all had the majority of votes for Vote Yes against the Convention Center Hotel. District 4 is the only council district represented by an African American that went Vote No by a slim margin. In fact, District 8 represented by Tennell Atkins lost the Vote No by 10%. That means that the councilman was for Vote No and the citizens were for Vote Yes by 10%. When all of the numbers were aggregated, VOTE YES won in the Southern Sector. That means, VOTE YES WON IN THE FOUR COUNCIL DISTRICTS REPRESENTED BY AFRICAN AMERICANS WHEN ALL OF THE VOTES WERE ADDED FOR THOSE 4 COUNCIL DISTRICTS.
That is what is wrong with our community, we have so many untruthful persons saying that they are working for the community and they are not. If you tell the truth, it will all come out okay whether you win or lose. WIN OR LOSE, DO IT FOR THE COMMUNITY.
That is what is wrong with our community, we have so many untruthful persons saying that they are working for the community and they are not. If you tell the truth, it will all come out okay whether you win or lose. WIN OR LOSE, DO IT FOR THE COMMUNITY.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thank You State Rep. Yvonne Davis
Thank you to my State Rep. Yvonne Davis for introducing a bill to split up Dallas ISD. It is no secret that many people have become so disgusted with the way the Dallas ISD is ran that they have begun to contemplate how to dismantle the system and start anew. I applaud Rep. Davis for her courage to even bring up this idea and hope that she is able to get her colleagues to understand the current frustration and the need for change.
The schools that are predominately in the African American community are falling apart with little or no maintenance to the facility. Tenured teachers are being fired and are leaving the district in large numbers which directly affect the education of students. The quality of education for African American students has declined through the years. Parents, students and taxpayers deserve a better education for all children.
The schools that are predominately in the African American community are falling apart with little or no maintenance to the facility. Tenured teachers are being fired and are leaving the district in large numbers which directly affect the education of students. The quality of education for African American students has declined through the years. Parents, students and taxpayers deserve a better education for all children.
DART Fare Increase
DART had a fare increase about two years ago which brought the fare to the current $3.00 per day. DART now want to increase the fare to $4.00 dollars per day. So within 2 years the fare will almost double.
When I was on the DART Board, the financial plan showed a fare increase every five years and that seemed okay as long as it could be justified.
The fare box does not and will never pay for the service. All public transit (bus,rail and para-transit) is subsidized at different levels.
It would be okay to talk about a fare increase if DART had made sure that they looked at all alternatives to increasing the fares on transit dependent riders. DART has several hundred contract employees who ride the system for FREE. DART sells the most expensive passes ($800.00)to cities for $40.00 to pass on to their employees. DART pays over a million dollars a year to assist with shuttle service (SMU, T.I., UTD). DART spends over $500,000 per year on the McKinney Avenue Trolly. DART allows some college students to ride for free. DART runs what is called an "On-Call" service to areas that do not have enough ridership to justify a bus route. These are just some of the issues that need to be addressed before raising the fare.
When I was on the DART Board, the financial plan showed a fare increase every five years and that seemed okay as long as it could be justified.
The fare box does not and will never pay for the service. All public transit (bus,rail and para-transit) is subsidized at different levels.
It would be okay to talk about a fare increase if DART had made sure that they looked at all alternatives to increasing the fares on transit dependent riders. DART has several hundred contract employees who ride the system for FREE. DART sells the most expensive passes ($800.00)to cities for $40.00 to pass on to their employees. DART pays over a million dollars a year to assist with shuttle service (SMU, T.I., UTD). DART spends over $500,000 per year on the McKinney Avenue Trolly. DART allows some college students to ride for free. DART runs what is called an "On-Call" service to areas that do not have enough ridership to justify a bus route. These are just some of the issues that need to be addressed before raising the fare.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Shoot The Monkey

I am not sure if the stimulus package will work. I am not sure that the effects of the 700 billion dollars will filter down and get to the people who need the help. I am not sure that President Obama understands all of the elements and how they will work together for the betterment of the people, and if anyone says to you that they know it is good, walk away.
The thing that is so troubling about this cartoon is the fact that the implication is that the president is a monkey. Black people have lived with that stereotype for years and have rejected and rebuffed such a notion with quite dignity at times, and sometimes with a violent reaction. This is not new for blacks to be associated with being a monkey, but it is disturbing for the President of the United States to be ridiculed in that manner. We do understand the way that racism works today.
And someone ask if we still need the NAACP.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Dallas ISD Trustee Ron Price
Ron Price is trying to show progress in the schools in district 9 because he thinks that he can convince the voters that he is ready to move from School Board Trustee to the Dallas City Council. He has specifically talked about Julia C. Frazier Elementary School and Lincoln High School. This was discussed in a post by Unfair Park.
I graduated from Julia C. Frazier Elem. School and it has done well with the assistance of the T.I. Foundation and the Margaret Cone HeadStart Center. Quality education has been taking place in this school for years.
Frazier and Lincoln are both good schools, but it has nothing to do with Ron Price making them good schools. I give the credit to the principals, teachers, students and parents.
I believe Price was on the school board when Gonzales, Rojas, Moses and Hinojosa were hired. All have been bad for Dallas Independent School District. Do not forget that Ron Price was one of the leading Trustees who decided to vote to forego Trustee elections this year. He was one of the Trustees that was up for re-election.
This is not about race, but this is about not recycling the elected officials who have been in power for years. IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!!!!!!
I graduated from Julia C. Frazier Elem. School and it has done well with the assistance of the T.I. Foundation and the Margaret Cone HeadStart Center. Quality education has been taking place in this school for years.
Frazier and Lincoln are both good schools, but it has nothing to do with Ron Price making them good schools. I give the credit to the principals, teachers, students and parents.
I believe Price was on the school board when Gonzales, Rojas, Moses and Hinojosa were hired. All have been bad for Dallas Independent School District. Do not forget that Ron Price was one of the leading Trustees who decided to vote to forego Trustee elections this year. He was one of the Trustees that was up for re-election.
This is not about race, but this is about not recycling the elected officials who have been in power for years. IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE!!!!!!!!
City of Dallas,
Dallas City Council,
Ron Price
Monday, February 16, 2009
Dallas ISD Schol Board Trustee, Dr. Lew Blackburn is now wanting to re-establish the District 5 Citizens Advisory Council, "Often, I ask constituents to advise me on issues affecting Dallas ISD. Many times, the advice I receive shapes my views on issues coming before the Board of Trustees. I appreciate their involvement. I have decided to reform my District 5 Citizens Advisory Council. The council will be composed of citizens of District 5, with three sub councils; Oak Cliff, West Dallas, and Wilmer-Hutchins. We will meet at least quarterly, and more often as the need arises. If you are interested in joining the District 5 Advisory Council, contact me via email with the following information: name, address, phone, and email address. I look forward to hearing from you.
I wonder what advise has he taken? In the meetings that I have attended only Trustee Carla Ranger seems to be listening to the people. Did the citizens advise him to extend his term one year, go light on Hinojosa after the budget deficit, change the board policy so it would take more than one Trustee to call for a separate vote, on consent agenda items, to vote for laying off teachers or to sit quietly while test scores for African American at all levels are the lowest for any group in the district.
Through the years, I have supported Dr. Blackburn, but it is now time for new Trustees.
I wonder what advise has he taken? In the meetings that I have attended only Trustee Carla Ranger seems to be listening to the people. Did the citizens advise him to extend his term one year, go light on Hinojosa after the budget deficit, change the board policy so it would take more than one Trustee to call for a separate vote, on consent agenda items, to vote for laying off teachers or to sit quietly while test scores for African American at all levels are the lowest for any group in the district.
Through the years, I have supported Dr. Blackburn, but it is now time for new Trustees.
Dallas Achieves,
Dallas ISD,
Dr. Lew Blackburn,
Lew Blackburn
Saturday, February 14, 2009
"Special Liaison" created by US Corp of Engineers for Dallas Trinity Toll Road

It was reported by Rudy Bush that the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is creating a special laison for the Trinity Toll Road Project. This came after a meeting in the office of U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison with Tom Leppert and the U.S. Army Corp.
I thought these were tough economic times and that everyone was cutting back. It seems like I was wrong.
I do know that this was all about politics. Senator Hutchison is going to run for Governor and needs all of the support that she can get expecially from a Texas big city mayor. The Trinity Toll Road is tanking and Leppert is doing all that he can to save face. He sold the citizens a bad deal.

The U.S. Department of Education has turned down Dallas ISD's request to move about $15 million in salaries to the Title 1 federal grant program. These salaries are primarily associated with paying coaches for teachers in the district and to reduce class sizes in middle and high schools, which is a part of Superintendent Hinojosa's Dallas Achieves initiative.
When the district's budget came up short last fall (84 million), administrators proposed paying those salaries with Title 1 money which the district receives to improve the educations of low-income kids. There is a process for using those funds and the district did not follow it. Federal money comes through the state to local school districts and can only be used to "supplement" local efforts.
While the district says it is done with the fight, I do not believe them. They will come back another ways as they always do. They seem to be baffled that they were turned down by the feds. They say that they consulted several experts on Title I who advised them that the move was allowable.
I guess now they will just take that money out of the fund balance and leave the district crippled with about 30 million left in that fund. When Hinojosa got here there was about 120 million. I hope nothing bad happens because the district will be in a pickle.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Bob Hayes

I can not believe that this is happening to a Sport's Hero like Bob Hayes. He does not deserve all of the discord that is taking place over the honor that will bestowed upon him after his death.
Bob was a fun loving person that had a heart of gold. I had the opportunity to be friends with he and his first wife Altamease Hayes. They called me their little sister and Bob called my mother MOM. He loved her chili. He made friends easily and many people hung out around him, but he loved his wife and daughter Adrienne LaRori (Rori), very much.
I noticed that the part of his family who is raising the stink about Lucille Hester not being his sister, and leaving them out has left out Altamease and Rori (she has 3 children). This is tragic.
Altamease and Bob were married most of his playing days.
If you have the same father, that would make you brother and sister. I hope that Ms. Lucille Hester keeps her head high and continue with the quest of getting Bob Hayes in the Football Hall of Fame.
Go Bullet Bob Hayes!!!!!! Hall of Famer!!!!!!!!
DART-FTA Investigation
FTA - Civil Rights division will be at Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) on February 4th and 5th to investigate allegations of raced based action. It has been alleged that one of DART's top executives gave a mandate to hire Hispanics. There has been at least one lawsuit from a fired employee that made such a claim.
DART should not be allowed to say that their hiring practices are just because they have a large number of African Americans that are bus drivers. The FTA should look department by department as reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Office *EEOC".
I do not know who got them here, but Thanks to FTA for coming.
DART should not be allowed to say that their hiring practices are just because they have a large number of African Americans that are bus drivers. The FTA should look department by department as reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Office *EEOC".
I do not know who got them here, but Thanks to FTA for coming.
Dwaine Caraway,
Gary Thomas,
Tennell Atkins,
Tom Leppert
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
President Barack Obama

A day that all Americans can be proud of. The historic swearing in of the 44th president of the United States of American brings hope to all Americans.
This is a day that will be remembered by all that were in Washington or at their homes, work places or the vast number of viewing parties to watch the historic event.
Hopefully this presidency will be about the people.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Florida A & M University /Opportunity for Black women in the field of computer technology
Florida A & M University is providing an outstanding opportunity for Black women entering college in the fall of 2009. It is designed to address their absence in the field of computer technology. Dr. Jason Black is the Principal Investig ator of a recently awarded $552,000 NSF Grant entitled African-American Women in Computer Science . The grant provides scholarships, from $3,000 to $5,000 per semester for female African American students .
We need your help to get the word out about this great opportunity to build up the enrollment of women in the CIS Department. Pass this information
along to high school or community college students , their parents, and to guidance counselors you may know. The full text of the press release can be
found at
You can also contact Dr. Black by email at:
jblack@cis.famu. edu or (850)412-7354
We need your help to get the word out about this great opportunity to build up the enrollment of women in the CIS Department. Pass this information
along to high school or community college students , their parents, and to guidance counselors you may know. The full text of the press release can be
found at
You can also contact Dr. Black by email at:
jblack@cis.famu. edu or (850)412-7354
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Re-constituting 5 DISD Schools

We continue to try to educate the community on the serious educational problems that are taking place at DISD. There are 4 comprehensive high schools, Kimball, Pinkston, Roosevelt and Seagoville that are struggling to become academically acceptable along with one elementary school Tatum elementary.
We also have to watch out for Birdie Alexander and see what improvements the district has for that school. The district will attend a hearing Friday at the Texas Education Agency to discuss the four high schools and Birdie Alexander. All five schools have been rated "academically unacceptable" for three consecutive years.
Update: DISD gave the wrong list of schools. They just can not get the real story out.
Carla Ranger,
Dr. Hinojosa,
Dr. Lew Blackburn,
Ron Price
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
NO Tax-Payer Owned Hotel
I went to Robert Ashley's Show (KHVN) along with Anne Raymond from Crow Holdings so that she could give our side of the issue on the taxpayer owned hotel. As I have stated before, I am a consultant for the Citizens Against a Taxpayer Owned Hotel. My intention was not to be on the show, but with Mr. Ashley's encouragement, I spoke my mind. Most people in the community who know me, know that I believe in doing my homework before I take a position on any issue. I take great pride in getting the information for myself and making an informed decision about where I will be on an issue. I am not a person that take second hand information and carry that tale. We all know what happens when something is repeated over and over. You have a new story.
I personally am not against a convention center hotel, but I am against the taxpayers taking the risk and the city owning the hotel. If it is such a good deal, let the private developers do what they do best, develop. Mr. Ashley informed us that he had ask Dwaine Caraway to come on the show and that he was told that they are not starting their campaign until February. I do not see that as a reason for us not to move forward with educating the community. The good thing about the show was that the callers were educated on the issue and clearly understand what is at risk.
While serving on the Executive Committee of the Greater Dallas Chamber, the taxpayers added dollars to the convention center for expansion because we were told that there was not enough meeting space. Taxpayers did that, and now the convention center is loosing about $4 million per year.
The issue of Minority Contractors participation is an interesting one. That question was raised on the show. People who have never been in business have a difficult time understanding the process. This might be a new day, but we do not award contracts to just a few contractors in the name of the community.
Facts To Remember:
Fact: We know that the city has capped the cost of building the hotel, but there are other expenses, like a $50 million dollar reserve, attorney's fees, cost of land, cost of financing the bonds, etc. which will add up to half a billion dollars or more.
Fact: The Omni Hotel in Fort Worth is not owned by the taxpayers. It is fully owned by Omni, with assistance by the city, therefore Omni is taking all of the risk.
Fact: People in favor of a Taxpayer owned hotel were not at the community meeting.
Fact: The low-end job creation will not help the struggling people in our community. We want jobs that will give a livable wage.
Fact: Dallas has an abundance of Hotel in downtown, Hyatt, Adolphus, Sheraton, Plaza of Americas, Jewel, Ritz Carlton, Fairmont, Magnolia, Crescent, Holiday Inn, and Indigo. Fort Worth downtown is more compact and they do not have the large number of hotels in their downtown area.
Fact: Hotels are not destinations. How often have you had people to say that I am going to a city so that I can stay in the Omni Hotel?
Fact: The largest number of citywide conventions in Dallas has been 20. Let's say that we get to that number again and that the conventions last for 5 days, that would give us a 100 days that the hotels are full, what about the other 265 days?
Fact: The hotels that we currently have pay taxes to the city of Dallas, and the convention center hotel will not be paying taxes.
Fact: Dwaine Caraway was on KNON not KHVN talking about the taxpayer owned hotel when I called the show. He did not want to take questions, but the Host, Rev. Barnett insisted. I guess some people do not know the difference between KHVN and KNON. Oh well, can't believe everybody who say they have facts.
I personally am not against a convention center hotel, but I am against the taxpayers taking the risk and the city owning the hotel. If it is such a good deal, let the private developers do what they do best, develop. Mr. Ashley informed us that he had ask Dwaine Caraway to come on the show and that he was told that they are not starting their campaign until February. I do not see that as a reason for us not to move forward with educating the community. The good thing about the show was that the callers were educated on the issue and clearly understand what is at risk.
While serving on the Executive Committee of the Greater Dallas Chamber, the taxpayers added dollars to the convention center for expansion because we were told that there was not enough meeting space. Taxpayers did that, and now the convention center is loosing about $4 million per year.
The issue of Minority Contractors participation is an interesting one. That question was raised on the show. People who have never been in business have a difficult time understanding the process. This might be a new day, but we do not award contracts to just a few contractors in the name of the community.
Facts To Remember:
Fact: We know that the city has capped the cost of building the hotel, but there are other expenses, like a $50 million dollar reserve, attorney's fees, cost of land, cost of financing the bonds, etc. which will add up to half a billion dollars or more.
Fact: The Omni Hotel in Fort Worth is not owned by the taxpayers. It is fully owned by Omni, with assistance by the city, therefore Omni is taking all of the risk.
Fact: People in favor of a Taxpayer owned hotel were not at the community meeting.
Fact: The low-end job creation will not help the struggling people in our community. We want jobs that will give a livable wage.
Fact: Dallas has an abundance of Hotel in downtown, Hyatt, Adolphus, Sheraton, Plaza of Americas, Jewel, Ritz Carlton, Fairmont, Magnolia, Crescent, Holiday Inn, and Indigo. Fort Worth downtown is more compact and they do not have the large number of hotels in their downtown area.
Fact: Hotels are not destinations. How often have you had people to say that I am going to a city so that I can stay in the Omni Hotel?
Fact: The largest number of citywide conventions in Dallas has been 20. Let's say that we get to that number again and that the conventions last for 5 days, that would give us a 100 days that the hotels are full, what about the other 265 days?
Fact: The hotels that we currently have pay taxes to the city of Dallas, and the convention center hotel will not be paying taxes.
Fact: Dwaine Caraway was on KNON not KHVN talking about the taxpayer owned hotel when I called the show. He did not want to take questions, but the Host, Rev. Barnett insisted. I guess some people do not know the difference between KHVN and KNON. Oh well, can't believe everybody who say they have facts.
Monday, January 12, 2009
District 5 Served Best By Councilwoman Vonciel Jones Hill

I have lived in District 5 (Redbird area) since 1973 and have come to love the area. I have seen the ups and downs of what has taken place and certainly have not always agreed with the elected officials (when I started to take note of the representation) from Dr. Charles Tandy, Don Hicks, Don Hill and now Vonciel Jones Hill. Before living there, I lived in the District 4 area(Lancaster-Kiest) and watched the slippery slope of retail development and housing stock start to decline in the area prior to my moving further south in 1973.
While there are complaints by haters about what is not happening in the Redbird area, I can say that my street has been repaved, my trash is picked up, I recycle, I rarely see trash along the streets in my neighborhood (only when bulk trash is being picked up), a walking trail has been put in with park improvements, there have been neighborhood beautification projects and other initiatives. I am fully aware that the District stretches from Southwest Oakcliff to Pleasant Grove and that there are different neighborhood needs.
I am disappointed that more senior facilities are not available, but I also understand the part of District 5 that I live in, there are few places to put those facilities and I would like to see the surrounding districts 8 and 4 do more in collaboration to get more in the area. I know that Southwest Center Mall (former Redbird Mall) is in District 8, Lancaster-Kiest Shopping Center is in Distrait 4, the Inland Port is in District 8, and that they border on District 5. I am aware that these development opportunities outside of District 5 effect my area.
I have not called Councilwoman Hill's office one time and not received a response from Ms. Hill or her staff. In fact, when I call her office, I mostly need to talk with her staff because they are there to take the information and assist the voters of District 5 on a daily basis.
What I am most worried about are thing that cost taxpayers that are outside of one councilpersons control like the budget, taxpayer owned hotels, increasing cost of the Trinity project, foreclosure rates, crime rate, senior concerns (transportation, housing repair, etc.) and public transportation within the city limits.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Thought for the Week
Saturday, January 3, 2009
NTTA Minority Business Director

Anthony Coleman has been named the new Minority and Women Owned Business Director for the North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA). The agency made a good choice. Mr. Coleman has a long history of working with Minority and Women Owned Business Programs and he is a person who will attempt to open the doors for all eligible minority and women business owners. He will not be one that will try to hand carry a few and leave others behind.
Good choice NTTA.
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